Aerial view of the cliffs of Maré with the columnar pines and the lagoonColumnar pines and lagoon in Maré
©Columnar pines and lagoon in Maré|Dean Cropp - Access All Angles / NCT

Fly a drone

in New Caledonia

Would you like to immortalise your stay in New Caledonia? The drone is an excellent way to capture the archipelago’s magnificent landscapes. For a trouble-free shoot, make sure you take all the necessary steps and respect the regulations in force. Find below the procedures to follow, as well as the rules to respect when using a drone in New Caledonia.

Frequently asked questions about drones in New Caledonia
  • What formalities do you need to take care of before your trip?

    1. Notify the airline

    Depending on the airline, you’ll need to obtain authorisation allowing you to board with a drone. In general, batteries of less than 160 Wh are authorised in the hold and in the cabin. Please contact your airline’s customer service department to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

    2. Declare the import to the New Caledonian authorities

    When you import a radio transmission device into New Caledonia, you must obtain an administrative import authorisation (AAI) issued by the Agence nationale des radiofréquences (ANFR). Check whether your equipment is on the list of equipment exempt from AAI. In this case, there is no need to send your request to ANFR.

    Go to for details of this procedure or directly by email to

  • What are the regulations governing the use of drones?

    The use of drones for leisure and non-commercial activities (photography, video) does not require authorisation in New Caledonia as long as the rules laid down in terms of air safety and respect for privacy are followed. Otherwise, this constitutes an offence that may lead to legal proceedings.

    Thus, we invite you to respect the rules below:

    1. I do not fly over people (the minimum horizontal distance to be implemented between the drone and any person with the exception of the remote pilot is 30 metres)
    2. I never lose sight of my drone and I respect the maximum flight heights (never exceeding 150 metres altitude)
    3. I do not use my drone over public space in built-up areas, nor near airports / heliports, nor in controlled airspace (please note: the airspace above the city of Nouméa is controlled airspace from surface level)
    4. I do not fly over sensitive sites (military bases, hospitals…)
    5. I don’t use my drone at night
    6. I respect the privacy of others
    7. I don’t broadcast my shots without the agreement of the people concerned and I don’t make commercial use of them

    >> Consult the complete list of rules to respect (.pdf)

    For more information, find the Aéromodélisme : modèles réduits et drones de loisir from the Direction de la Sécurité de l’Aviation Civile.

    Direction de la Sécurité et de l’Aviation Civile:

Using a drone for commercial activities

Commercial operations can also be considered, but must be previously authorised by / declared to the Civil Aviation Authority in New Caledonia. This type of operation is subject to stricter safety requirements in order to guarantee the protection of the people and infrastructures overflown, as well as that of other airspace users.

For more information, please visit the official website