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Easily recognisable by its sculpted totem poles, Saint-Maurice Bay is in Vao, the main village on the Isle of Pines. The High Chief's hut used to be here, but then it was given to the missionaries as a symbolic gesture of acceptance of the Catholics. The monument commemorates the arrival of Fathers Goujon and Chatelut on the island and the first Catholic service given on 12 August 1848. It also symbolises harmony between the island’s traditional beliefs and the Christian faith.
The bay overlooks the turquoise lagoon and Kutomo Island: a panorama you will never get tired of photographing!
Easily recognisable by its sculpted totem poles, Saint-Maurice Bay is in Vao, the main village on the Isle of Pines. The High Chief's hut used to be here, but then it was given to the missionaries as a symbolic gesture of acceptance of the Catholics. The monument commemorates the arrival of Fathers Goujon and Chatelut on the island and the first Catholic service given on 12 August 1848. It also symbolises harmony between the island’s traditional beliefs and the Christian faith.
The bay...